Turiu tokius e-bookus ir manualus. Jei kam reikia galiu pasidalint:
John Wiley Sons - Adobe Illustrator CS for Dummies.chm
John Wiley Sons - Adobe Photoshop CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Adobe Premiere Pro Bible.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Photoshop CS All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies.pdf
Peachpit Press - InDesign CS for Macintosh and Windows. Visual QuickStart Guide.pdf
O'Reilly - Apache Cookbook.chm
ASP/MS Press - Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET.chm
ASP/MS Press - Designing Microsoft ASP.NET Applications.pdf
ASP/Wrox Press - ASP.NET Website Programming, Visual Basic .NET Edition.chm
ASP/Wrox Press - Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with Visual C Sharp .NET 2003.pdf
ASP/Wrox Press - Beginning Dynamic Websites with ASP.NET Web Matrix.chm
O'Reilly - Programming C# Sharp, 3rd Edition.chm
Programming Microsoft Windows with C#.pdf
Wrox Press - C# Sharp Threading Handbook.chm
Wrox Press - Professional C#, 3rd Edition.pdf
Addison Wesley - Advanced CORBA Programming with C++.pdf
Addison Wesley - Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++ .chm
Osborne - Visual C++ .NET Developer's Guide.pdf
SAMS - Teach Yourself MS Visual C++ .NET in 24 Hours.chm
Addison Wesley - Building Solutions with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.chm
Addison Wesley - NET Framework Security.chm
MS Press - Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming.pdf
O'Reilly - .Net Framework Essentials.pdf
O'Reilly - Mastering Visual Studio .NET.chm
Sams - Sams Teach Yourself Visual Studio .NET in 21 Days.chm
Sybex - .NET Framework Solutions.pdf
Wiley - Deploying Solutions with .NET Enterprice Servers.pdf
Hungry Minds - Debian GNU Linux Bible.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Beginning Linux Programming, Third Edition.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Red Hat Linux 9 Professional Secrets.chm
John Wiley Sons - Red Hat Linux Bible. Fedora and Enterprise Edition.chm
Learning Debian GNU Linux.chm
Linux Certification Bible.pdf
Linux In A Nutshell, 4th.Edition.chm
MIT Press - Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux, Second Edition.chm
O'Reilly - Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, 4th Edition.chm
O'Reilly - Linux Unwired.chm
O'Reilly - Open Sources Voices from the Open Source Revolution.pdf
O'Reilly - Running Linux, 4th Edition.pdf
O'Reilly - Understanding The Linux Kernel.pdf
Red Hat Linux Complete Command Reference.pdf
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Install.pdf
Sybex - Linux Power Tools.chm
Wrox Press - Beginning Red Hat Linux 9.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Dreamweaver MX 2004 Bible.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Dreamweaver MX 2004 in 10 Steps or Less.pdf
Macromedia Press - Macromedia Studio MX 2004. Training from the Source.chm
New Riders - Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX 2004.chm
New Riders - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Web Application Recipes.chm
O'Reilly - Dreamweaver MX 2004. The Missing Manual.chm
O'Reilly - Essential Actionscript 2.0.chm
Peachpit Press - Macromedia Flash MX 2004 ActionScript. Training from the Source.chm
Premier Press - Macromedia ColdFusion MX Professional Projects.chm
Premier Press - Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 Fast and Easy Web Development.pdf
Que Publishing - Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio MX 2004.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself Flash MX Action Script In 24 Hours.chm
Sybex - Dreamweaver MX 2004 Savvy.pdf
Teach Yourself Flash MX Action Script In 24 Hours.chm
Wiley Sons - Publishing 50 Fast Dreamweaver MX Techniques.pdf
Wrox Press - Beginning Dreamweaver MX.chm
MS Press - Training Kit-Analysing Requirements and Defining.chm
MS Press - Implementing and Administering Security in a Windows 2000 Network.chm
MS Press - Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.chm
Sybex - Windows 2000 Server.pdf
MS Press - Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure Administration.chm
New Ryders Publishing - Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure Administration.pdf
MS Press - Windows 2000 Active Directory Services.chm
MS Press - Training Kit-Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network.chm
MS Press - Training Kit-Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security.chm
New Riders - ISA Server 2000 Traning Guide.pdf
MS Press - SQL Server 2000 System Administration Training Kit.chm
MS Press - SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Windows XP Professional.chm
MS Press - Exchange Server 2003 Training Kit.pdf
Sams - Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed.chm
Sybex - Windows Server 2003 Environment Management and Maintenance Study Guide.pdf
Sybex - MCSE Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Implementation Management and Maintenance Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Exam 70-292 Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Exam 70-296 Study Guide.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security.pdf
MS Press - MCSA MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-290).pdf
MS Press - MCSA MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-291).pdf
MS Press - MCSA MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-293).pdf
MS Press - MCSA MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-294).pdf
John Wiley Sons - Microsoft Office 2003 in 10 Simple Steps or Less.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Microsoft Office 2003 Super Bible.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Inside Out.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out.pdf
Que Publishing - Show Me Microsoft Office Word 2003.chm
Que Publishing - Special Edition Using Microsoft Word 2003.chm
Que Publishing - Special Edition Using Office Microsoft FrontPage 2003.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 in 24 Hours.chm
Wrox - Professional InfoPath 2003.chm
Oracle/CRC Press - Oracle 11i E-Business Suite From the Front Lines.chm
John Wiley Sons - Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development.pdf
Premier Press - PHP Essentials, Second Edition.chm
Premier Press - PHP MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner.chm
Prentice Hall PTR - Core PHP Programming, Third Edition.chm
Sams - Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours, Third Edition.chm
Python/Addison Wesley - Text Processing in Python.chm
Charles River Media - BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-Language Perspective.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself TCP-IP In 24 Hours.chm
Charles River Media - The Security+ Exam Guide TestTaker's Guide Series.chm
CRC Press - Critical Incident Management.chm
CRC Press - Cyber Crime Field Handbook.pdf
Digital Press - Internet Security.chm
Kevin Mitnick - Art of Deception.DOC
McGraw-Hill - HackNotes Linux and Unix Security Portable Reference.pdf
McGraw-Hill - HackNotes Network Security Portable Reference.pdf
McGraw-Hill - HackNotes Web Security Pocket Reference.pdf
McGraw-Hill - HackNotes Windows Security Portable Reference.pdf
McGraw-Hill - Web Applications (Hacking Exposed).pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000 - Administrator's Pocket Consultant.chm
O'Reilly - Network Security Assessment.chm
O'Reilly - Network Security Hacks.chm
O'Reilly - Spidering Hacks.chm
O'Reilly - Windows Server Hack.chm
Prentice Hall PTR - How Secure is Your Wireless Network.chm
Syngress - Best Damn Firewall Book Period.chm
Syngress - Best Damn Firewall Book Period.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Your Network, Second Edition.pdf
Prentice Hall PTR - Migrating to the Solaris Operating System.chm
Addison Wesley - SQL Performance Tuning.chm
Addison Wesley - The Gurus Guide To Transact SQL.pdf
John Wiley Sons - MySQL Enterprise Solutions.pdf
John Wiley Sons - MySQL PHP Database Applications.pdf
John Wiley Sons - SQL for Dummies, 5th Edition.pdf
MS Press - Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000.chm
MS Press- SQL Server 2000 Administrators Companion.chm
O'Reilly - High Performance MySQL.chm
O'Reilly - SQL Tuning.chm
Sams - MySQL Tutorial.chm
John Wiley & Sons - Implementing SSH. Strategies for Optimizing the Secure Shell.pdf
Digital Press - UNIX for OpenVMS Users, Third Edition.chm
O'Reilly - UNIX backup and recovery.pdf
Visual Basic:
Jones Bartlett Publishers - Programming and Problem Solving with Visual Basic .NET.chm
MS Press - Developing Windows-Based Applications with Visual Basic .NET and Visual C Sharp .NET.chm
O'Reilly - Programming Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition.chm
O'Reilly - VB VBA in a Nutshell.pdf
Que - Visual Basic .NET Database Programming.chm
Wrox Press. - Beginning Visual Basic .NET Database Programming.pdf
Desktop Edition.pdf
A-List Publishing - Windows Server 2003 Registry.chm.
John Wiley & Sons - Windows Server 2003 for Dummies.chm
John Wiley & Sons - Windows XP for Power Users. Power Pack.pdf
McGraw-Hill - Windows Server 2003 Pocket Administrator.pdf
McGraw-Hill - Windows Server 2003. Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments.pdf
McGraw-Hill - Windows Server 2003. The Complete Reference.pdf
MS Press - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit.chm
MS Press - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 TCP.IP Protocols and Services Technical Reference.chm
O'Reilly - Active Directory Cookbook for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000.chm
O'Reilly - Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference.pdf
O'Reilly - Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell.chm
O'Reilly - Windows XP Unwired.chm
Que Publishing - Show Me Microsoft Windows XP.chm
Sams - Microsoft IIS 6 Delta Guide.chm
Sams - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Insider Solutions.chm
Sybex - Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.pdf
Wireless tech:
Artech House - Wireless IP and Building the Mobile Internet.pdf
CRC Press - Wireless Sensor Networks. Architectures and Protocols.chm
John Wiley Sons - MMS. Technologies, Usage and Business Models.pdf
John Wiley Sons - Mobile Telecommunications Protocols for Data Networks.pdf
McGraw-Hill - Wireless A to Z.pdf
Osborne - WAP, A Beginner's Giude.pdf
Prentice Hall PTR - A Field Guide to Wireless LAN's for Administrators and Power Users.chm
Prentice Hall PTR - Wireless Communication Systems.chm
O'Reilly - Learning WML & WMLScript.pdf
John Wiley Sons - XML 1.1 Bible, Third Edition.pdf
MS Press - Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform.pdf
MS Press - Developing XML Solutions.CHM
MS Press - Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with VB.NET VCCharp.NET.chm
MS Press - XML in Action.CHM
O'Reilly - Learning XML, Second Edition.chm
Sams - XQuery Kick Start.chm